Āhuatanga Whangaparāoa underlies every aspect of school life at the college. It can be thought of as 'the way we do things around here'. Our college values six āhua (characters/traits): Manaakitanga, Rangatiratanga, Tangata Whenuatanga, Orangatanga, Kaitiakitanga, and Whanaungatanga. We believe these are the dispositions that will enable all our learners and staff to be the best versions of themselves. Āhuatanga Whangaparāoa supports good citizenship, morals, and striving to learn and reach one's potential.
Learners often explore these āhua in their weekly whānau hui, and they are expected to act inline with these in their classes and whenever representing our school and community. We celebrate these āhua through a reward system and certificates awarded each term to learners who clearly portray each specific āhua. There are also junior and senior Āhuatanga Trophies awarded at the end of year prize givings.