Whangaparāoa College

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Strategy 2022-2027

Kia ora e te whānau o Whangaparāoa,

It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, to present to you our schools 5-year Strategic Direction. The full document can be found at the link below.
During 2021, the Board and Senior Leadership Team consulted widely with our staff, learners and community on the needs and aspirations for now and the future.

Our future vision is:
Whangaparāoa College sits at the centre of the Whangaparāoa community, supporting and being supported
by our local environment but connected to the world through digital technology.
Through our Mindfulness and Hauora programmes we instil a sense of belonging and self-belief in our learners allowing them to be self-driven, critical thinkers and able to identify opportunities.
Our curriculum and pathway support enables our learners to achieve their personal goals and become outstanding members of the wider community.
I hope you are as excited for the future of our college as we are.

Ngā mihi,
Steve McCracken | Tumuaki / Principal

Please click the  button to view our strategy document