Innovative Curriculum

At Whangaparāoa College, we believe that “today, education has to be about learning to thrive in a transforming world” (Hannon, 2017, p12) That is why we offer our students effective learning opportunities with a focus on developing core skills.  

These skill include: Critical thinking and problem-solving, Communication and collaboration, Creativity and imagination. Leadership and Citizenship and Digital literacy

These skills equip them not only to become better learners but to engage in a lifelong journey of learning that would define them not only during their time at the College but beyond, as they embark on further education or the world of employment.

Systematically embedding digital technologies in everyday classroom activities, we support learners’ development of a technology-assisted process of problem-solving where the learners exercise their own critical thinking by creating effective thinking ecosystems.

Technology for learning and for working

Aligned with our Strategic Focus of using technology to enhance learning and the delivery of the curriculum, at Whangaparāoa College we challenge our learners to embrace technology not only as a reference tool (to access information or prepare reports) but to become inspired creators by leveraging the potential of new technologies. 

From Year 7, our learners are exposed to Digital Technologies in the curriculum and effective uses in the classroom, Our ever-growing VR Hub and Fabrication Lab are designed to inspire students to embrace technologies to create change and involve themselves with the community, fostering the belief that technology can help us to address the 21st Century challenges when matched with the holistic approach framed by our school Ahuatanga.

Connecting People & Places

As stated in our Strategic Plan, “Whangaparāoa College sits at the centre of the Whangaparāoa community, supporting and being supported by our local environment but connected to the world through digital technology”.

At Whangaparāoa College we believe that the school is at the centre of the community and the community is at the centre of the school life. However, inour interconnected world, Digital Technologies are allowing us like never before to reach expertise and communities  regardless of their geographical location.

Leveraging the digital, we offer our learners the possibility to engage in worldwide projects such as the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program; United Nations Virtual Tours and Briefings

VR also offers our learning the opportunity to create virtual spaces where to display their work and interact in real-time with learners and professionals from all over the world. 

Delivering the Promise International Conference

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