Careers, STAR & Gateway

A career is not just a job. It's the skills and experiences you learn over a lifetime from family life, friendships, culture, community activities, leisure choice, work and learning (Careers NZ).

The Whangaparāoa College Careers Department assists our rangatahi (youth)  with the competencies needed to be prepared and thrive in their career pathway. Learners are offered a range of opportunities and experiences.

Career advice and counselling is available, learners can book a one-on-one career counselling session, parents/caregivers are also welcome to attend.

There are many careers events throughout the year, including the annual North Shore Careers and Pathways Expo, guest speakers and university information & planning sessions. Learners & whanau can keep up to date in our newsletter and on our Careers Website. During Term 3, Deans and Careers staff assist learners with making their subject choices for the following year. 


Gateway is a ‘ready for work’ programme offering selected Year 12 and 13 learners real life skills to enable them to be better prepared for their future. Gateway is a subject option that combines in-class learning with courses and a work experience placement.

The College welcomes local community organisations to be a part of the Gateway Programme and host a learner for their work experience. If you can offer a place for one of our learners, please get in touch with Roxanne Mulvaney, Gateway Coordinator [email protected] to discuss.

STAR – Short Introductory Courses

These fun, hands-on taster courses are offered to our senior learners. Normally held in school holidays, most courses offer unit standards to gain NCEA credits and are all fully funded – no cost to learners!

  • Explore a future career interest

  • Learn skills to help with part-time work

Have fun learning about something you’re passionate about