Whangaparāoa College

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Principal's Message

Nau mai, haere mai ki te kareti o Whangaparāoa!

Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kāreti o Whangaparāoa. Welcome to Whangaparāoa College.
Whangaparāoa College is a proud school with a short, but rich history. Serving the Whangaparāoa Community, we treat all learners as individuals, whilst offering exciting opportunities for learners to excel in their area of passion. We are enthusiastic about the future of our school and wish for you to be a part of this.

We expect our learners to be fully active and engaged in their learning. Learners are not merely here to gain facts, figures and skills; but to develop the ability to think, process, research, solve problems and evaluate information and situations. Learners at Whangaparāoa College are encouraged to excel. They are offered opportunities to grow and succeed, and are challenged to achieve their potential. We hope they will leave Whangaparāoa College with the skills and attributes required for them to be able to contribute effectively and successfully to society beyond school and have fond and proud memories of our school.

We expect our learners to be fully involved in the wider community and experience the vast extra-curricular opportunities on offer at Whangaparāoa College. Activities that happen outside the classroom will help contribute to the wider learning our youth undertake, whilst also contributing positively to the community we are in.

We are here to respect - respect others, respect ourselves, respect property and the environment. Respect is a core value of the College and in practice might look like being on time and getting on with our work; taking time to help others; saying "thank you"; and leaving any area tidier (and happier) than when we arrived. Respect is not difficult, but it is essential.

In summary, we are at Whangaparāoa College to learn, achieve, participate and respect. Not only will these contribute to an excellent education - your children will be set up for a positive future.

He waka eke noa!
We are all in this together!

Steve McCracken