Whangaparāoa College News

Term One | 09 February 2025
{subject}Whangaparāoa College News

Term 3 Issue 3

Kia ora e te whanau o Whangaparāoa,

This week we have been celebrating history being made - our Premier Netball team became North harbour Champions for the first time in the school’s history, defeating Rangitoto Premiers in the final by 5 goals.  This is a remarkable achievement and is by far the highlight of the winter team sport season to date.  This is the second time our school has been in the final, losing by one goal in 2017.  Congratulations to everyone involved in supporting this team specifically and we look forward to following your journey through the upcoming UNISS tournament.

We have recently had some concerning interactions with whānau members towards our staff, both teaching and non-teaching.  I want you to know that our staff will do everything possible to resolve concerns as fast as possible.  Sometimes, there will be disagreements, and we will work with you to resolve these in a respectable manner.  However, all staff deserve to be treated with respect and enjoy being part of learner growth and development.  We expect our cornerstone values of Ngatahi/Together, Whakapono/Believe, Tutuki/Achieve to be modelled by us all, particularly our adults.  Thank you in advance for your support with this.

The end of year exams are approaching rapidly for our Senior learners.  These are vital for our learners, particularly if they need external results and are unable to sit their NCEA examinations at the end of the year.  Our internal examinations are used to support learners who seek Derived Grades.  They will also give a very clear indication to learners, staff and whānau as to the progress learners have made and any areas of concern leading into the NCEA examinations.  Over the next few weeks, and into the end of year, please support and encourage learners to use their time wisely and complete final assessments and a rigorous study programme.  If you have any specific questions, please contact your learners kaiarahi or subject teacher.

We are a really busy organisation and offer so many opportunities for our learners and support for our community.  If you know of whānau considering sending their learner to our school next year, and are still wanting more information, please encourage them to reach out to us. Likewise, if you know of people who have not yet enrolled, but are going to, please do give them a nudge to get in touch or complete the online enrolment form.

Finally, and to wrap around to where I started, we have so much to be proud of at Whangaparāoa College.  If your sport, arts or cultural activities are nearing the end of their season, I wish you all the best.  Good luck to everyone travelling away during Winter Sports Tournament Week or to AIMES Games.

Ngā mihi

Steve McCracken
Tumuaki | Principal


24               Hahana Dance Show



1                 Staff only day
11 - 20       Senior school exam week
13              Wig Wednesday
20              Enrolment interview evening
22              Last day of term 3



9                First day of term 4

Recent News


Geography Trip

On the 25th July the year 13 geographers went to Orewa to investigate and assess the impact of coastal erosion in the area. They collected primary data such as surveys with the public, observations and photographs to use in their research assessment. We had a fantastic day and the weather managed to hold out! Later on in the term we will also be interviewing a Coastal erosion specialist from Auckland Council to gain a more detailed understanding about the impacts and some of the possible solutions.


Lifting Literacy


Have you ever asked your child to hurry up and get to the point? If yes, they may need summarising practice. The art of identifying key points and retelling a shortened version, summarising teaches learners to disregard irrelevant information and focus only on essential ideas, and is useful across all subjects. Try asking your child to summarise a TV episode, book chapter or event from their day. If they need some structure, there are plenty of helpful guides online, such as the 5Ws (Who, What, Where, When and Why), ‘Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then’ and ‘First, Next, Then, Last’.


School TV

Exam Jitters
Setting a schedule is vitally important. Students need to schedule everything from sleeping and eating, to studying and exercising. It is one of the best ways to manage inevitable exam stress. Students need to look after themselves when they have big demands in their life.
When it comes to productive study, sometimes less is often more. It is recommended that students hit the books in 50-minute stints, broken up by 15-minute breaks. This gives the brain, and body, a rest. Adolescents will often underestimate the amount of sleep they need. Getting enough sleep is key to successful study practices.
Research shows that physical activity also has a very positive impact on mental wellbeing. Eating well is another crucial factor to maintaining concentration and staying focused on the task ahead.

To view, please visit: Exam Jitters


Arkles Bay Splash

Thank you to all the hardy souls who showed up at this years Arkles Bay Mid-Winter Splash in aid of Hospice.

House points awarded to all the following:
Thomas, Axel, Gail, Lis, Quaid, Milla, Lexi, Jessica, Luke, Joseph, Fern, Justin, Thales, Alex and Skye.

Water House won with 7 members braving the sea, next was Fire with 3, Air had 2 and Earth House 1.

Everyone had a fantastic time so looking forward to more participating next year!!


Bus Reporting

Did you know - Learners are now able to report any issues on our school buses using the WGP app.

Learners, look for this icon on your app.


Kaitiaki - Save the Date

Interested in getting involved to help the school environment? Kaitiaki Tangata is getting together on the morning of September 23rd for a weeding blitz on the school grounds! We’re aiming to get rid of as many pest plants as we can, for the sake of our precious wildlife. It’s open to not just other members of the school, but the wider community as well. Anyone interested should bring along gloves and a pair of gumboots, or shoes they don’t mind getting muddy. Equipment will be provided, but anyone with a good saw, pair of secateurs, or similar, is encouraged to bring their own. Just meet at 9 am at the turf entrance (using the Berdinner Ave entrance) and get ready to help make a difference! Come along for as long as you are able to, we will be there from 9am til around midday.



Explore the latest Career news, jobs & events on the new Whangaparāoa College CareerWise website!



Course Planning Sessions coming Term 4 - an opportunity for school
leavers wanting to study at University to confirm their programmes of
study, their majors and submit applications if required. Ask questions
and prepare timetables etc for the 2024 University Year.


School subject options should have now been submitted. If you or your
learner have any concerns, contact their Dean or Careers
[email protected]


Learners can book an appointment with Mr Davies the Careers Advisor
at https://peterdavies-wgp.youcanbook.me/

Premier Netball Champions

Congratulations to our Senior 1 Netball team who are Netball North Harbour Champions for 2023!
Well done to all the players and the coaching and managing team!
These girls have had a fabulous season! Creating history today for Whangaparāoa College.
We wish them luck as they enter the Upper North Island Secondary Schools (UNISS) competition!


Hosting an International Student 

Kia Ora Whānau 
We have had a fantastic return to welcoming our wonderful international students to the coast.
Welcome to all our new families who have joined our hosting whānau and hello to future homestays.

We are asking for expressions of interest for hosting 2024 and beyond.
This is a great opportunity for you to experience hosting a student from another country and share with them your family and community.
If you would like to be considered for this opportunity please email Sue McKay [email protected] to discuss further. Alternatively, you are welcome to visit our college website and explore the information listed in the International tab.
We would love to hear from you.



Board Student Representative
Nominations for the Board Student Representative have opened today.

Nominations for the Board Student Representative have opened today.  As well as having a voice on how the school is governed, being a school board member provides valuable knowledge and experience for the future – it looks great on a CV!

Any learner enrolled full-time in Year 9 and above, is eligible to stand for election and vote. Learners can nominate someone else (with their agreement) or nominate themselves.

Nomination forms are available from reception in the Main Office or from Kaiarahi and nominations close Tuesday, 29 August 2023 at Midday.

Tackling antisocial behaviours and discipline within our school community
The Principal wanted to take this opportunity to address some concerns that have been raised recently regarding antisocial behaviours and discipline within our school community.

Challenges around learner behaviour are a constant one that most schools grapple with and Whangaparāoa

College is not immune. We realise that these challenges can be distressing for both learners and their whānau

but would like to assure you that the school is extremely conscious of the importance of addressing issues

and our staff work tirelessly, in conjunction with parents and caregivers wherever possible, to do so.

Read more. 

Year 12 Food Technology
Year 12 food tech learners have been busy designing, testing and creating recipes suitable for our awesome Whangaparāoa College community. See the link below to access the recipe cards

Please follow the link to see all the recipes - enjoy!  Year 12 Food Tech Recipe Cards

KBB Music Festival 2023
On Friday 11th August, Whangaparāoa College Concert Band and Big Band performed at the KBB Music Festival competition at the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

On Friday, Whangaparāoa College Concert Band and Big Band performed at the KBB Music Festival competition at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell.

The KBB Music Festival is the largest regional youth music event in New Zealand involving over 4,500 young musicians. It showcases Symphony Orchestras, Chamber Orchestras, Concert Bands and Jazz Bands in Auckland secondary schools and beyond.

It was a fantastic day celebrating the wonderful talent we have across Auckland and both our Concert Band and Big Band were a part of this Music festival. The Concert band received a Bronze award and the Big Band a Highly commended and we are very proud of both Bands and how hard they have worked and with their dedication to the music department at Whangaparāoa College. 

We look forward to being a part of this wonderful festival again in 2024 and having more musicians join our wonderful bands. Our senior students are also pleased that they will gain NCEA music credits from their performances in this festival.

Huge thanks to our amazing music teachers Ms Shone and Mr Ha'unga for their dedication and guidance to our music learners.

Congratulations again to both bands. We are very proud of you all.