Term 1 Issue 4 |
Kia ora e te whānau o Whangaparāoa,
The school is buzzing with excitement at the moment as our Pasifika and Kapa Haka groups put finishing touches on their performances for Polyfest. We wish both groups all the best for their respective performances on Thursday, at 11.20 for the Pasifika group, and 12.30 for our Kapa Haka Ropu. You’ll be able to watch our Kapa Haka performance live on Māori TV here.
We also have a number of learners representing the school this week at Summer Sports Tournament Week. All the best to our Basketball and Water Polo teams for their competitions.
Thank you for attending the Meet the Teacher evening last week. The relationships between home, school, and our learners are so important. The more we connect with you, formally and informally, the better the outcomes will be for our learners.
Our 2025 Open Evening is earlier than normal, and we welcome our whole community to the 2025 Open Evening on 4 April. We know how important it is for parents of Year 6 learners particularly to gain information early and begin to make decisions about secondary schools so we encourage everyone to attend. We would appreciate your support in spreading the word and reminding parents of Year 6 learners to attend.
Within the newsletter, you will see details of some changes occurring to our Kura Kai. There are some interface changes for you as whānau with regard to payments, but the overall functionality won't change. Learners are still going to be able to purchase lunches, and you will still be able to order lunches on their behalf.
Later this week you will receive an email from our new Board Chair, Craig Caminos. As a Board, we are seeking feedback as part of our community consultation regarding the implementation of our phone rules. We genuinely appreciate the feedback and are looking forward to hearing your honest thoughts and opinions.
Earlier today we made the sad but exciting announcement that Deputy Principal, Wiri Warriner has been appointed to the Principal position at Orewa College. We are extremely proud of Wiri and, though he will be greatly missed, we know that he will bring the same mana and vision to his new role as he has during his tenure at Whangaparāoa College, and we wish him every success.
Ngā mihi
Steve McCracken Tumuaki | Principal |
March 21 Polyfest 25 Kura Kai Closed for today 29 Good Friday (School closed for instruction)
April 1 Easter Monday (School closed for instruction) 2 Easter Tuesday (School closed for instruction) 4 Open Night / Information evening 10 2025 Enrolment Interview Evening 12 Full School House Event - Non uniform day Last day of Term 1 |
Recent News
Level 2 Physical Education Camp Mangawhai HeadsLevel 2 PE learners enjoyed a sun-soaked camp at Mangawhai Heads. The camp provided the adventure-based learning required for their first achievement standard. Learners were split into teams and competed against each other across the three-day camp. Activities included an amazing race, surf lessons and various camp challenges. Now the learners are knuckling down in the classroom on their written reports. | |   |
Level 2 Outdoor Education CampTawharanuiThe Year 12 Outdoor Education camp at Tawharanui was a great success. For many learners it was their first time at the beautiful location. Learners made the most of activities such as class challenges, surfing, kayaking and raft building. Everyone enjoyed a classic kiwi camping experience. | |   |
Kura Kai ChangesOn Tuesday, 26 March we are moving to a new provider of services at the Kura Kai cafe. Champion Tuckshops have a long history providing services to school across New Zealand and have an excellent range of well balanced menu options which we are sure will become new favourites with our learners. Whānau and learners will still have the convenience of an online ordering system through the new www.lunchorders.co.nz platform (you will no longer be able to purchase lunches via Kindo) and pick up from the Kura Kai as previously. Instructions to set up your new user account are below: Here’s how it works: Register at www.lunchorders.co.nz and Add New Child to your account Browse through the delicious Eat Smart menu options Select your desired items, choose a delivery date, and place your order Please note, the Kura Kai will be closed on Monday, 25 March to facilitate the transition to the new provider. Service will recommence on Tuesday, 26 March | |  |
Careers UpdateFREE First Aid Course these holidays
Knowing First Aid, CPR and how to stay calm in an emergency helps you to save lives! We have a FREE 1 day STAR course on here at school 18 April (1st week of holidays) for learners. They can apply here or see Mrs Mulvaney in the Careers Department.
YEAR 13 LEARNERS - University Overviews Recently we have had the University of Auckland, AUT, Waikato University and Massey University in at school to give our Year 13 learners an overview of university study options. Victoria University of Wellington will be here on 10 April and Otago University in May. Now is the time to be considering what and where to study for 2025. Learners can see Mr Davies in the Careers Department for assistance. Later in the year Universities will be having Open Days which we encourage learners to attend, as well as course planning sessions here at school.
YEAR 13 LEARNERS - Careers Appointment with Mr Davies?
All Year 13 learners should be having a one-on-one appointment with our Careers Advisor, Mr Davies. Parents are also welcome to attend. Book an appointment (in your study period) at https://peterdavies- wgp.youcanbook.me/
https://northshorecareerexpo.nz/ We are excited to announce the 2024 dates and once again be part of the North Shore Career Expo. This fabulous event is a collaboration between high schools and brings together a huge range of tertiary providers - including all NZ Universities, along with the Defence Forces, NZ Police, industry organisations and employers. The college will be taking ALL Year 12 learners on Wednesday 12 June. All Year 11 -13 learners and whānau are welcome to visit North Harbour Stadium over the 2 day (free) expo.
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Thank you Mr PeddieA huge thank you to Technology teacher, Mr Peddie who made 15 beautiful patu (club) for our Kapa Haka. These will be featured in their Polyfest performance this week - Ka rawe Mr Peddie! | |  |
Hosting an International StudentKia Ora Whānau We have had a fantastic return to welcoming our wonderful international students to the coast. Welcome to all our new families who have joined our hosting whānau and hello to future homestays.
We are asking for expressions of interest for hosting 2024 and beyond. This is a great opportunity for you to experience hosting a student from another country and share with them your family and community. If you would like to be considered for this opportunity please email Sue McKay [email protected] to discuss further. Alternatively, you are welcome to visit our college website and explore the information listed in the International tab. We would love to hear from you. | |  |